Species Name
Latin Name
Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus
Mediterranean Sea
Harvest Method
Net Caught
Range & Habitat
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Moist, Flaky, Rich, Buttery
Bluenose is one of the great New Zealand Food Fish. It inhabits deep offshore trenches, and produces some of the most succulent flesh from New Zealand waters. The deep water habitat forces the species to adapt to the environment. This translates to a rich "antifreeze" within the muscle structure. This "fat" is found in many of the world's most popular fish. King Salmon, Northern Halibut, Butterfish, and Black Cod all have this. Bluenose offers a clean and versatile fillet from market sizes ranging 10 to 25 lbs. The white fat in the muscle striations flake large and moist.
Sweet, Briney, Delicate
Much like all crab on the market, Jonah Crab are cooked upon catch and broken down into several portioned options. We carry all of the products and offer them daily in various packs. The meat is a sweet and complex crab flavor that offers a multitude of cooking applications.
Light, Rich, Flakey
Orange Roughy has a brilliant flake that is rivaled only by the highest quality in Snappers, Groupers, Sea Bass and Sea Bream. It has a luxurious moisture content that comes from an incredibly deep habitat. Found nearly 4000 feet below the ocean's surface, the Orange Roughy is a cold water dweller that packs on the fat for survival. This translates to enormous succulence. Its fillet shape is reminiscent of Tai Snapper and other Sea Breams. It has a mild and sweet flavor that accepts a multitude of light herb and spice combinations, and graciously plays off of vinaigrettes and butter sauces. It sears well and is applicable in almost every cooking method.