Blue Chatham Island
Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.
Light, Clean, Flakey, Lean
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Raawaru, New Zealand Black Goby
Species Name
Latin Name
Parapercis colias
Chattam Island, New Zealand
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
New Zealand & Australia

Range & Habitat
Leigh Fisheries
LEIGH FISHERIES- The Lee Fish brand is recognized around the world as a prime source for premium-quality chilled seafood. Leigh's boats fish only inside New Zealand's clear, pristine, regulated waters.
FISHING VESSELS- In total, there are 53 independent boats fishing for Leigh Fisheries on a permanent basis. These vessels unload at 14 different ports throughout the North Island and comprise of the following:
- 12 Lobster (Crayfish) boats.
- 20 Long line (day) boats fishing for Snapper and various bi-catch.
- 6 Danish Purse Seiners fishing for Snapper and John Dory.
- 5 Long line boats fishing for Bluenose and Groper.
- 6 Surface long line Tuna boats fishing for Southern Bluefin Tuna and Swordfish
- 4 Gillnet boats fishing for Mullet and Flounder.
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Sweet, Light, Creamy
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Petite, Sweet, Buttery
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