Species Name
Sea Bream
Latin Name
Sparus aurata
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Tender, Light, Moist
Tai has a host of species attached with the moniker. This is the Pagrus auratus from New Zealand. It is a Porgy/Sea Bream that has a beautiful pink hued skin that is wonderfully edible. The flesh is a soft light pink that cooks to paper white, and is mild, sweet, and "fluffy". Applications are limitless! Menu as Tamure, Tai, Madai, Kodai, Red Sea Bream, or Porgy and your guests will revel in its versatility. Sashimi, Saute, Broil.
Lean, Firm, Clean, and Complex
Vicious predator. It is called the Cheetah of the Sea. Ono marinates beautifully, and is complimented by an array of moderate flavors. It has a versatile list of application and holds up to any raw or high heat methods.
Sashimi, Ceviche, Sear, Grill, Poach
Clean, Sweet, Super Moist
Hapu upu u is one of the richest species in the Pacific. With it's incredible moisture and unsurpassed sweetness, it is a true luxury to serve and enjoy.