Species Name
Latin Name
Pristipomoides sieboldi
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
The Hawaiian Fleet
Range & Habitat
Light, White, Flakey
Red Gurnard have a slim slightly tapering fillet. They are Portioning perfection. Red Gurnard have a beautiful ability to fit Tapas and Small Plate architecture. Red Gurnard have a unique sweetness and complexity that can only be found in Gurnards and Sea Robins. Red Gurnard have a very delicate cooked texture and a brilliant white color. This species is a favorite in Very Upscale French Restaurants.
Saute, Poach, Sear, Broil, Bouillabaise.
Moist, Flakey, Clean
Like all Rockfish, the Bocaccio boast paper white flesh with bright bloodlines. The moisture is abundant, and for the guest who demands light, white, and flakey, this fish is the perfect fit. Substitute this for Grouper, Snapper, and with careful preparation, Black Cod.