Species Name
Latin Name
Taractichthys steindachneri
Hawaii & Open Pacific
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
The Hawaiian Fleet
Range & Habitat
Rich, Succulent, Buttery, Mild
If you are looking for a rich and buttery substitute for your Salmon program, Skye Trout is a phenominal resource. With sustainability at the forefront of their operation, you can rest assured that the quality is that of wild species, but with a more direct logistic avenue. Ocean Trout behave just like fatty Salmon on the plate and in the pan. However the subtle mild flavor is a blank canvas for culinary creation.
Sweet, Moist, Flakey
The Bigtooth Corvina resemble Redfish, cut out like Grouper, and taste like Snapper - for a fraction of the cost. This is a large flake, moist, and sweet food fish that strongly represents the bounty of the pristine Southern Atlantic. The similarities in the plate presentation between Bigtooth Corvina and other Florida fine dining species are uncanny. If you are looking for a great species that makes a statement while running a great food cost, look to Bigtooth Corvina.
Moist, Flaky, Rich, Clean
Icelandic cod is wild caught in the deep, cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean surrounding Iceland. This fish is hook and line caught which greatly reduces the stress on the fish and in turn, the meat has a much more firm texture. The hook and line method also dramatically reduces the amount of by-catch which is one of the leading causes of overfishing. The Icelandic cod fishery is MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) recommended for it's responsible and sustainable methods of fishing.