Red Grondin
Red Gurnard are very mild and delicate.
Light, White, Flakey
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Gurnard, Grondin Rouge, Kumukumu, Houbou
Species Name
Latin Name
Chelidonichthys kumu
Coastal Waters
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
New Zealand & Australia

Range & Habitat
Leigh Fisheries
LEIGH FISHERIES- The Lee Fish brand is recognized around the world as a prime source for premium-quality chilled seafood. Leigh's boats fish only inside New Zealand's clear, pristine, regulated waters.
FISHING VESSELS- In total, there are 53 independent boats fishing for Leigh Fisheries on a permanent basis. These vessels unload at 14 different ports throughout the North Island and comprise of the following:
- 12 Lobster (Crayfish) boats.
- 20 Long line (day) boats fishing for Snapper and various bi-catch.
- 6 Danish Purse Seiners fishing for Snapper and John Dory.
- 5 Long line boats fishing for Bluenose and Groper.
- 6 Surface long line Tuna boats fishing for Southern Bluefin Tuna and Swordfish
- 4 Gillnet boats fishing for Mullet and Flounder.
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Sweet, Light, Creamy
They are temperate, Rock Cod-like fish, that can be distinguished from their distant relatives by their plain-colored body pattern. They are also related to the Hapuku. Gropers are found right around New Zealand, including the Chatham Rise but excluding the Campbell Plateau. They are most common over or near rocky areas down to 250 meters. The main fishing grounds for Gropers are the deep canyons off the East Coast of the North Island, Cook Strait, Kokura and the west Coast of the South Island.
Moist, Flakey, Clean
Like all Rockfish, the Bocaccio boast paper white flesh with bright bloodlines. The moisture is abundant, and for the guest who demands light, white, and flakey, this fish is the perfect fit. Substitute this for Grouper, Snapper, and with careful preparation, Black Cod.
Sweet, Buttery, Earthy
Red crawfish dominate most farms, especially in south Louisiana and in most places in the Atchafalaya Basin. White crawfish are slightly more plentiful on north Louisiana farms and in Mississippi River overflow swamps. Most crawfish are harvested between December and June, but March, April and May are the peak months in Louisiana.