Species Name
Latin Name
Sebastes babcocki
Berring Sea
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Pacific Northwest & Alaska
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
White, Firm, Flavorful
Typically sold as a cooking Sea Bream, the Tarakihi offers a complex natural flavor that is resemblant of sea water with mineral undertones. They have a wonderful balance of sweetness and earthiness. The Tarakihi offers a great yield and diverse abilities as a food fish. Plus, Jackass Morwong is just fun to say...
Firm, White, Flakey, Sweet
Pacific Triggerfish are renowned for their "Sweetness". A viracious eater of Shellfish, mostly Crab, lend a delightful light flavor. The strong currents of its environment give this fish a firm texture, but the cooked flesh is as flaky as any available. Trigger works very well with fruits and acids. Butter loves Trigger also.
Mild, Clean, Fluffy, Sweet
A Sea Bream in the Porgy realm. Scup, Tai, Tarakihi, and Grunts all have similar body structure, texture, and flavor profiles. The Sea Bream is a vast Falmily of Fish that are great menu features the world over. Sea Bream are perfect for your favorite Snapper and Flounder recipes. A light "Fluffy" texture are perfect for the novice and adept seafood lovers alike.
Saute, Broil, Fry, Poach.