Species Name
Latin Name
Sebastes fasciatus
Gulf of Maine
Harvest Method
Net Caught
Range & Habitat
North Atlantic & New England
New England Fleet
Range & Habitat
Sweet, Buttery, Rich, Creamy
Sea Scallops offer one of the most sought flavors in seafood. They are naturally high in sugars which relate to a beautifully caramelized product. Sea Scallops are a easily portioned for any application.
Clean, Natural
King Salmon flesh is an attractive dark pink to red colour. Its oil content is higher than any other Salmon and it is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
Creamy, Light Sea Flavor
The "Roe" is the edible part of the Urchin, which is actually the reproductive structure of the animal. It has a light yellow color and a brilliant light "Sea" Flavor. The Uni can be eaten Raw, or lightly cooked for flavoring of other seafood dishes, sauces, custards, and even ice cream. A culinary favorite of Sushi and Asiatic Cuisine. Raw, Sushi, Creamed for Sauces.