Species Name
Latin Name
Sardinella anchovia
Harvest Method
Net Caught
Range & Habitat
Eastern United States
Baja Peninsula Fleet
Range & Habitat
Claw meat is obviously taken from claws but also includes leg meat. It is the cheapest because the meat is small and has the least integrity. Special crabmeat is meat taken from front of the body. Again, a little bigger, more integrity. Jumbo Lump crab meat is from the back of the body. It has the most integrity and is the largest meat on the crab due to propelling those powerful swimming fins. Finally, Backfin meat is essentially broken pieces of Jumbo Lump crab.
Moist, Flakey, Light
Parrotfish are a wrasse much like Hog Fish and Tautog. Very moist flesh offers a light white substitute for more expensive Snappers. The Skin has a gorgeous Blue Green tint that retains during cooking. This is a color under used in culinary plating, especially in a protein. Very versatile in applications. Snapper applications are suitable for Parrotfish. Saute, Broil, Grill, Poach.
Creamy, Firm, Complex, Robust
The shell is solid and rotund, sculptured with numerous strong rounded radial ribs, overridden by crisp weak lamellae. Coloration is whitish, tinged at the posterior end with pale purplish-brown, and internally whitish, stained posteriorly with dark purplish-violet.