Species Name
Latin Name
Dipturus batis
Gulf of Maine to George's Bank
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Eastern United States
New England Fleet
Range & Habitat
Clean, Firm, Moderate
From whole fish, to wagon wheels, to steak ready loins, this cylindrical body has a great yield. Cutting waste, cutting butcher time, cutting cost. With the firm texture of the flesh, and abundant flavor, Broadbill Swordfish is phenomenal for grilling, light smoking, and broiling. It also caramelizes nicely in a searing application. It holds up fearlessly against powerful “sets” and spices.
Moist, Flakey, Paper White, Mild
Blue Moki is in the same Family as Trumpeter. Blue Moki has a very moist and light "Sea Bass" flavor and texture. The Blue Moki has all of the culinary applications of Cods, Sea Basses, Snappers, and Sea Breams. It is versatile and appealing in all aspects of dining. From the highest caliber of fine dining to the absolute best fish sandwich available.
Flakey, Sweet, Light, Moist
Typically large fish. Growing to 30-40 lbs, it can offer baseball cuts for dramatic center-of-the-plate presentation. It is menued in many revered Fine Dining Restaurants.
Pan Roast, Sear, Broil, Poach