Bright orange with a milder flavor and leaner texture.
Mild, Sweet, Flakey
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Silver Salmon
Species Name
Latin Name
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Cordova, AK
Harvest Method
Net Caught
Range & Habitat
Pacific Northwest & Alaska
Cordova Alaska Direct

Range & Habitat
Cordova Alaska Direct
Captain Andrew and his family have been fishing the waters for a great while, and their bread was buttered on the side of cannery fish. The operation of their family relied heavily on the Tinder Vessels that accepted their catch to move to the canneries of Alaska to then be processed and distributed throughout the world. Though it was fortuitous at the time they knew that the True Day Boat “Top-of-Catch” fish were much too beautiful to become an emaciated, canned, and shelved grocery store item. The logistics of moving Day Boat Salmon to the lower 48 is also a competitive and daunting industry that sometimes moves to the beat of their own drum. It may even overlook the smaller vessels who’s catch warrant better representation. That’s where another small team of passionate people come into the picture. SeafoodS.com was able to provide a logistical solution with Capt. Andrew. We were able to solve the challenges of bringing Eckley’s absolutely stellar Salmon to a fresh Day Boat market. It was a mission to finally represent the quality of his catch and offer the respect that these Salmon deserve. Capt. Andrew and his family are vertebrae in the backbone of Alaska’s Cordova region. They are the players in the game of sustainable Alaskan seafood. They are the bedrock of family business, and they are here to provide you with the Salmon that they love. We are here to simply get the Salmon from their hold to your prep table. If you like to trace your catch to the fishermen, look again to Capt. Andrew and family. From their family, to our family, to your family, Chef…
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