Species Name
Sea Bass
Latin Name
Argyrosomus japonicus
Aegean Sea, Turkey
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Light, White, Flakey
Often mistaken for California "Southern" Halibuts, the Cortez Fluke is a delicacy all its own. Fluke are "Left-Eyed" Flat Fish. They harbor all of the sweet lightness of many Fluke, Flounders and Halibut. The overwhelming differences in Cortez Fluke has to the harvest method and care given to the fish upon capture. Most flat fish are trawl netted and captured alongside hundreds of other fish. The Cortez Fluke is One Man, One Line, and One At A Time. Treat as any crudo grade flat fish. Crudo, Ceviche, Poach, Saute, Broil, Pan Roast
Earthy, Tender, Moderate, Silky
Scorpionfish have a moderate flavor in raw preparations. They have a very tender, silky mouth feel and have a beautiful pink flesh with red skin. The great part of bringing in whole Scorpionfish are the BONES. The most complex flavorful broth. The Scorpionfish is 1/5 a Bouliabase.
Moist, Flakey, Light
Parrotfish are a wrasse much like Hog Fish and Tautog. Very moist flesh offers a light white substitute for more expensive Snappers. The Skin has a gorgeous Blue Green tint that retains during cooking. This is a color under used in culinary plating, especially in a protein. Very versatile in applications. Snapper applications are suitable for Parrotfish. Saute, Broil, Grill, Poach.