Species Name
Latin Name
Lampris regius
Hawaiian Offload in California
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
Baja Peninsula Fleet
Range & Habitat
Light, Clean, Tender, Silky
The Alfonsino is a distant Cousin to the Sumatra Fighting Fish, a salt water Beta. They are more closely related to Hawaiian Ehu. The Fish are 5-7 lbs at their largest. Alfonsino have been described as "Melt in Your Mouth".
Creamy, Delicate, Moist
This fish is not related to the Warehou species or other members of the Centrolophidae family which are called Butterfish in Japan. It is also not related to Walu or Escolar that is sometimes marketed as Butterfish in Hawaii. This is the real Butterfish, truly worthy of its name. Very Rich and Delicate! Poach, Saute, Broil, Steam.
Tender, Sweet
Stone Claws are traditionally served chilled, cracked and exposed. The Meat of the Stone Claw is very tender and one of the sweetest in the sea. They also boast a beautiful "Ocean" flavor that compliments their sweetness.