Species Name
Latin Name
Gadus morhua
Harvest Method
Range & Habitat
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Sweet, Lobster-like
Sweet and a perfect mix of Lobster and Shrimp Flavors. The Meat of the Spot Prawn has a phenomenal "SNAP" and finishes very silky. The Spot Prawn inhabit deep water and pack on "fat" to regulate body temperature. This translates to a beautiful product that interacts with dry cooking methods to retain "fat" in the finished dish. Broil, Grill, Roast, Saute, Crudo, Sushi, Ceviche.
Light, White, Flakey
Red Gurnard have a slim slightly tapering fillet. They are Portioning perfection. Red Gurnard have a beautiful ability to fit Tapas and Small Plate architecture. Red Gurnard have a unique sweetness and complexity that can only be found in Gurnards and Sea Robins. Red Gurnard have a very delicate cooked texture and a brilliant white color. This species is a favorite in Very Upscale French Restaurants.
Saute, Poach, Sear, Broil, Bouillabaise.