Brilliant white with a silky texture of the fattiest of Tuna.
Paper White, Very Moist, Creamy
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Escolar, Hawaiian Butterfish, White Tuna
Species Name
Latin Name
Lepidocybium flavobrunneum
Hawaii & Open Pacific
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
The Hawaiian Fleet

Range & Habitat
The Hawaiian Fleet
Hawaii's Market is unique; boats fishing local waters bring their bounty in to be offloaded into Hawaii's auction, "United Fishing Agency Auction." Hawaiian auction bidders know their favorite boats, handling practices and ordering days. Each buyer takes their prized winning bid back to the plant each day and grades it for national distribution next day.
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Sweet, Light, Creamy
They are temperate, Rock Cod-like fish, that can be distinguished from their distant relatives by their plain-colored body pattern. They are also related to the Hapuku. Gropers are found right around New Zealand, including the Chatham Rise but excluding the Campbell Plateau. They are most common over or near rocky areas down to 250 meters. The main fishing grounds for Gropers are the deep canyons off the East Coast of the North Island, Cook Strait, Kokura and the west Coast of the South Island.
Moist, Succulent, Moderate
Greater and Lesser Amberjacks have a great "Oil" to the flesh. They cook up firm with a very silky texture. Wild Amberjacks are leaner than farmed Hamachi and Hiramasa, but hold up to more expensive farmed products in flavor and usability. Amberjacks are an undersung species and have a reputation for parasitic activity in the flesh. If parasites are found they are easily removed and also pose no threat to humans. This is a reputation that is not as deal breaker. Amberjack receive high heat cooking very well and marinate beautifully. Sear, Broil, Grill, Smoke.
Mild, Moist, Paper White
Sow Hake have a close resemblance to Cod and Haddock with a larger flake and "Fluffier" texture. They inhabit extremely deep waters and rise to mid depth at night to feed. The Sow Hake are harvested during this time by Hook and Line "Jig" Day Boat Operators. Sow Hake are a delicate "softer" flesh than other New England Round Fish. They are, indeed, a highly sought species by "Local" minded New England Chefs. They contain high levels of fish "fat" to regulate body temperature. This translates to incredible moisture levels in the prepared flesh. The culinary application is vast. Think it and Hake will handle it. Poach, Saute, Broil, Grill, Salt-Cure, Smoke.