Species Name
Latin Name
Lophius americanus
Gulf of Maine to George's Bank
Harvest Method
Net Caught
Range & Habitat
North Atlantic & New England
New England Fleet
Range & Habitat
White, Light, Moist, Flakey
Haddock is a great substitute for Atlantic Cod. The flavor is a bit more complex with all of the sweetness of Cod and a bit of "Ocean" flavor to set it apart. Haddock has a dark lateral line with a dark spot near the tail, (The Devil's Thumbprint). Pan Roast, Broil, Fry, Saute, Poach.
8 oz Salmon portions. South America portions packed in 5 lb map otr trays. Price quote range per lb with seasonal availability and cap.
Paper White, Moist, Firm
Bluenose Antarctic Butterfish is a midsized species with phenomenal Fat. Many Fine Dining restaurants go to Bluenose as AK Halibut season ends. A very mild, white flesh that has large flakes and abundant moisture. Culinary applications mirror favorite Halibut recipes. Sear, Saute, Pan Roast, Poach, Broil.