Species Name
Latin Name
Craterellus cornucopioides
United States
Harvest Method
Range & Habitat
Western United States
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Earthy, Complex, Lighter Musk
Lighter Musk than Black Truffles with an innate sweetness that can be rare in Truffles. The perfect instrument to any fine dining garnish, component, attraction, or any flavor additive. Raw, Roasted, Applicable Flavoring
Delicate, Mild, Green
The Fiddleheads of North America are the unfurled frons of the Ostrich and Lady Fern. They can be harvested for a few short weeks in the early spring. They possess a beautiful, light, "Green" flavor that is most closely resembled by an Asparagus/Artichoke melding. They can also have similar attributes of very light Green Beans. Working with Fiddleheads is a joy in itself. Poach, Saute, Grill, Broil, Pickle
Silky, "Green" Flavor
The Nettle can be added to soups, "sets", sauces, and salads. The Nettle leaves must be soaked in water or cooked to remove the "stinging" aspect of the plant. The Stinging Nettle have small hollow hairs that act as hypodermic needles that inject histamine. Blanch, Soak, Puree, Stew.