Species Name
Latin Name
Cantharellus cibarius
Kosovo / Macedonia
Harvest Method
Range & Habitat
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Woodsy, Earthy, Velvety
The Bluefoot is a cultivated version of the Wild Wood Blewit. Blue Bluefoot concentrates a lilac color mostly in the stem. The Bluefoot has a great natural flavor and a very light texture that can be described as Velvety. Roast, Grill, Braise, Stew.
Fresh, Complex, Delicate
Short Seasonal delicacy. The Miner's Lettuce was named for the Miners of the California Gold Rush, who ate the plant to prevent scurvy. Miner's Lettuce is a member of the Purslane Family and can be incorporated into fresh salads and wilted into sets. Raw, Wilt, Puree.
Silky, "Green" Flavor
The Nettle can be added to soups, "sets", sauces, and salads. The Nettle leaves must be soaked in water or cooked to remove the "stinging" aspect of the plant. The Stinging Nettle have small hollow hairs that act as hypodermic needles that inject histamine. Blanch, Soak, Puree, Stew.