Species Name
Latin Name
Taractichthys steindachneri
Deep Pacific Longline
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Southern California & Mexico
Baja Peninsula Fleet
Range & Habitat
Moist, Flakey, Delicate
Ling Cod are the definition of succulence. They are a very deep water dweller. This extreme cold water makes it necessary for the fish to pack on "fat" to regulate body temperature. Halibut has the same trait as a species. The Ling Cod will offer one of the highest moisture contents in the Cod market. This is a seasonal fishery and is typically caught by Halibut Boats in Alaska. Give the Ling Cod a place on your "Feature Board" and your guests will rave. This is free marketing that we could all benefit. Poach, Broil, Saute, Fry.
Firm, White, Flakey, Sweet
Pacific Triggerfish are renowned for their "Sweetness". A viracious eater of Shellfish, mostly Crab, lend a delightful light flavor. The strong currents of its environment give this fish a firm texture, but the cooked flesh is as flaky as any available. Trigger works very well with fruits and acids. Butter loves Trigger also.
Earthy, Clean, Mild, Moist
Sheepshead are the largest fish in the Porgy Family. Sheepshead gets their name from rows of flat teeth that line their mouths, resembling Sheep's teeth. The specialized teeth structure are paramount in acquiring the Sheepshead's favorite foods. The Sheepshead Porgy eat primarily Oysters, Barnacles, Clams and Fiddler Crab. This translates to an earthy complex ocean flavor that pairs well with many larger flavors. Mushrooms and Oak-full wines come to mind. Sheepshead Porgy have the characteristics of many Snapper with a larger flake. Treat as any favorite Snapper when preparing. Saute, Roast, Grill, Sous Vide.