NZ King Sanford Ltd
One of the most recognizable species in the world.
Clean, Natural
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Fatty King Salmon
Species Name
Latin Name
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Stewart Island
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
New Zealand & Australia

Range & Habitat
Sanford Ltd King Salmon
In the southern most inhabited island of New Zealand, Stewart Island, where the water is cool and clean all year round we farm raise Chinook or King Salmon. Our natural breeding program produces eggs that are grown out to young fry at our two hatcheries located on two of the largest and cleanest rivers that have their origins in the snow fed glaciers in the Southern Alps of New Zealand - the Clutha and Waitaki rivers.
King salmon flesh is an attractive dark pink to red colour. Its oil content is higher than any other salmon and it is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
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