Species Name
Latin Name
Ensis arcuatus, Ensis directus
New England Coast Line
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
North Atlantic & New England
New England Fleet
Range & Habitat
Super Sweet, Light, Flakey
Triggerfish feed very heavily on Blue Crab, Swimmer Crab, Urchin, Shrimp and Mollusks. This translates to a beautiful Sweeetness and muscle striation. The Striation allows for the flesh to flake into texturally phenomenal strands with a subtle tooth. Brilliant for saute with citrus or cream. Saute, Broil, Grill, Pan Roast.
Lean, Light, Mild, Sweet
Snowy Grouper are very similar to Black Grouper in taste, texture, and market size. They have a very pronounced flavor that is a bit more complex than Black and Scamp. They cook to a brilliant White and are very Lean and Flakey. They hold up to many culinary techniques and applications.
Ceviche, Saute, Pan Roast, Grill.
Lean, Firm, Clean, and Complex
Vicious predator. It is called the Cheetah of the Sea. Ono marinates beautifully, and is complimented by an array of moderate flavors. It has a versatile list of application and holds up to any raw or high heat methods.
Sashimi, Ceviche, Sear, Grill, Poach