Species Name
Latin Name
Ensis arcuatus, Ensis directus
New England Coast Line
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
North Atlantic & New England
New England Fleet
Range & Habitat
Lean, Succulent, Clean
Mangrove Snapper love shallow tidal currents. Typically found near stands of Mangrove Trees in areas where tidal waters flow in and out. Strong swimming and voracious eating result in complex and moderate flavors. Ceviche, Steam, Saute, Pan Roast.
Flakey, Sweet, Light, Moist
Typically large fish. Growing to 30-40 lbs, it can offer baseball cuts for dramatic center-of-the-plate presentation. It is menued in many revered Fine Dining Restaurants.
Pan Roast, Sear, Broil, Poach
White, Light, Moist, Flakey
Haddock is a great substitute for Atlantic Cod. The flavor is a bit more complex with all of the sweetness of Cod and a bit of "Ocean" flavor to set it apart. Haddock has a dark lateral line with a dark spot near the tail, (The Devil's Thumbprint). Pan Roast, Broil, Fry, Saute, Poach.