Species Name
Latin Name
Scorpaena cardinalis
Sothern New Zealand
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
New Zealand & Australia
Range & Habitat
Moist, Flakey, Paper White, Mild
Blue Moki is in the same Family as Trumpeter. Blue Moki has a very moist and light "Sea Bass" flavor and texture. The Blue Moki has all of the culinary applications of Cods, Sea Basses, Snappers, and Sea Breams. It is versatile and appealing in all aspects of dining. From the highest caliber of fine dining to the absolute best fish sandwich available.
Moderate Fat, Creamy
Sockeye Salmon is the smallest of the Five Salmon Species. It has the most robust flavor and is very versatile. The sockeye possesses the reddest flesh from an almost exclusive diet of plankton. Even when cooked the sockeye’s flesh remains bright red. Sockeye ranks just behind Kings in Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Sockeye are an excellent heart-healthy food. Its full flavor and firm texture make it a favorite of the Salmon family. Grill, Broil, Saute, Poach, Steam, Tartare.
Tender, Sweet
Stone Claws are traditionally served chilled, cracked and exposed. The Meat of the Stone Claw is very tender and one of the sweetest in the sea. They also boast a beautiful "Ocean" flavor that compliments their sweetness.