Species Name
Sea Bream
Latin Name
Nemadactylus macropterus
Continental Shelf New Zealand
Harvest Method
Range & Habitat
North Atlantic & New England
Range & Habitat
Rich, Creamy, Sweet
Ling is a Cusk Eel also known as Kingclip. It has a texture similar to Lobster and Monkfish. Ikijime Ling is perfect for a Sashimi as it is a light white with a creamy texture. The fish are caught between 100 and 1500 feet deep. Very fatty and very sweet.
Clean, Sweet, Moist
New Zealand Flounder are most related to Sand Dabs. New Zealand Flounder feed in the shallows and can be caught in depths of 100 feet. The waters of New Zealand lend an icy temperature that inundates the Flounder with higher amounts of body "fat". This produces a moist, succulence that offer a silky mouth feel in raw preparations. Sashimi, Sushi, Ceviche, Sear, Saute.
Earthy, Tender, Moderate, Silky
Scorpionfish have a moderate flavor in raw preparations. They have a very tender, silky mouth feel and have a beautiful pink flesh with red skin. The great part of bringing in whole Scorpionfish are the BONES. The most complex flavorful broth. The Scorpionfish is 1/5 a Bouliabase.