Species Name
Striped Bass
Latin Name
Morone saxatilis
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Eastern United States
Mid-Atlantic Direct
Range & Habitat
Creamy, Light Sea Flavor
The "Roe" is the edible part of the Urchin, which is actually the reproductive structure of the animal. It has a light yellow color and a brilliant light "Sea" Flavor. The Uni can be eaten Raw, or lightly cooked for flavoring of other seafood dishes, sauces, custards, and even ice cream. A culinary favorite of Sushi and Asiatic Cuisine. Raw, Sushi, Creamed for Sauces.
Sweet, Light, Flakey, Mild
Kitty Mitchell (Strawberry) Grouper are a wonderful version of the Red Grouper. Kitty Mitchells find themselves between Sweetness of Black Grouper and the Versatility of Red Grouper. Kitty Mitchell Grouper feed on a variety of shellfish and crustaceans. This relates to a beautiful succulence in the flesh.
Moist, Flakey, Paper White, Mild
Blue Moki is in the same Family as Trumpeter. Blue Moki has a very moist and light "Sea Bass" flavor and texture. The Blue Moki has all of the culinary applications of Cods, Sea Basses, Snappers, and Sea Breams. It is versatile and appealing in all aspects of dining. From the highest caliber of fine dining to the absolute best fish sandwich available.