Species Name
Latin Name
Seriola lalandi lalandi
Spencer Gulf Australia
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
New Zealand & Australia
SFS Partnership
Range & Habitat
Moist, Flakey, Complex, Earthy
Popular and universally known by the public, the Mahi is a rock star. Well, it's a star, but Hawaii ROCKS it. You will find a deeper color in Hawaiian and South Pacific Mahi. Deeper colder waters typically pack the fat into these fish, yielding a rich, moist, flakey fillet. Mahi have great yields and are easily broken down from whole. Make a butchers day and get a "Bull" on his board.
Claw meat is obviously taken from claws but also includes leg meat. It is the cheapest because the meat is small and has the least integrity. Special crabmeat is meat taken from front of the body. Again, a little bigger, more integrity. Jumbo Lump crab meat is from the back of the body. It has the most integrity and is the largest meat on the crab due to propelling those powerful swimming fins. Finally, Backfin meat is essentially broken pieces of Jumbo Lump crab.