Red Abalone
A premium Sushi and Sashimi experience.
Mild, Buttery, Firm, Toothsome
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Awabi, Sea Ears, Venus' Ears.
Species Name
Latin Name
Haliotis rufescens
Pacific, California & Baja Penninsula
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
Baja Peninsula Fleet

Range & Habitat
Baja Peninsula Fleet
From small fishing villages along the northern part of the Baja Peninsula, Day Boat Fishermen set out in small Wooden Pangas for a day of hand lining and scallop diving. The honor of tradition and familial unity are drivers in this amazing Day Boat program.
Fishermen - The Quintero Family, Ortega Cruz, Elmar King, Paisa Ocegueda
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Rich, Creamy, Sweet
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Moist, Mild, Creamy
A reasonable resemblance to the fillet shape of Sea Bream and Snapper, however, the Blackgill surpasses those species in "Fat". The Blackgill is a deep water species that packs on "fat" to regulate body temperature. This translates to an incredible silkiness and succulence. The Paper White Cooked flesh is mild and slightly firm with incredible flake. The Blackgill is clean and opaque raw and is a formidable Sashimi and Sushi choice. With all of the creaminess of Tai and Madai, the Blackgill holds up to the most educated palates. Sashimi, Ceviche, Saute, Broil.