Red Abalone
A premium Sushi and Sashimi experience.
Mild, Buttery, Firm, Toothsome
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Awabi, Sea Ears, Venus' Ears.
Species Name
Latin Name
Haliotis rufescens
Pacific, California & Baja Penninsula
Harvest Method
Hand Cultivated
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
Baja Peninsula Fleet
Range & Habitat
Baja Peninsula Fleet
From small fishing villages along the northern part of the Baja Peninsula, Day Boat Fishermen set out in small Wooden Pangas for a day of hand lining and scallop diving. The honor of tradition and familial unity are drivers in this amazing Day Boat program.
Fishermen - The Quintero Family, Ortega Cruz, Elmar King, Paisa Ocegueda
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