Species Name
Palm Hearts
Harvest Method
Range & Habitat
Southern Pacific & Hawaii
The Hawaiian Fleet
Range & Habitat
Complex, Delicate, Rich
Morel is the Fine Dining Mushroom. What else can be said? Rich, Earthy, Spectacular! This is the highest sought mushroom in culinary. Morels have a wonderful "Sponge" texture that absorbs flavors and redistributes them as Morel-ified greatness. Roast, Puree, Saute, Raw.
Earthy, Complex, Lighter Musk
Oregon White & Black Truffles really show domestic success with an innate sweetness that can be rare in Truffles. The perfect instrument to any fine dining garnish, component, atrraction, or any flavor additive. Raw, Roasted, Applicable Flavoring
Silky, "Green" Flavor
The Nettle can be added to soups, "sets", sauces, and salads. The Nettle leaves must be soaked in water or cooked to remove the "stinging" aspect of the plant. The Stinging Nettle have small hollow hairs that act as hypodermic needles that inject histamine. Blanch, Soak, Puree, Stew.