Bigeye, Deep Water Pacific
Creamy, Silky, Deep
Quick Facts
Commonly Known As:
Bigeye, Ahi
Species Name
Latin Name
Thunnus obesus
Deep Water Offshore from San Diego
Harvest Method
Hook & Line
Range & Habitat
Southern California & Mexico
Baja Peninsula Fleet

Range & Habitat
Baja Peninsula Fleet
From small fishing villages along the northern part of the Baja Peninsula, Day Boat Fishermen set out in small Wooden Pangas for a day of hand lining and scallop diving. The honor of tradition and familial unity are drivers in this amazing Day Boat program.
Fishermen - The Quintero Family, Ortega Cruz, Elmar King, Paisa Ocegueda
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Flakey, Sweet, Light, Moist
Typically large fish. Growing to 30-40 lbs, it can offer baseball cuts for dramatic center-of-the-plate presentation. It is menued in many revered Fine Dining Restaurants.
Pan Roast, Sear, Broil, Poach
Claw meat is obviously taken from claws but also includes leg meat. It is the cheapest because the meat is small and has the least integrity. Special crabmeat is meat taken from front of the body. Again, a little bigger, more integrity. Jumbo Lump crab meat is from the back of the body. It has the most integrity and is the largest meat on the crab due to propelling those powerful swimming fins. Finally, Backfin meat is essentially broken pieces of Jumbo Lump crab.
Other Names: The name "Dover" comes from the southeastern English port of Dover, which landed the most sole in the 19th Century. That being said, don't confuse European Dover sole with America's West Coast Dover sole; They are not the same fish.